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Entries Deadline

14-Nov-2020 05:00 PM (GMT +10:00)

The Event is closed

Due to Covid restrictions in Melbourne all prizes will be contactless. Winners will get the prizes transfered electronically into their accounts. We would love to see you put the prize money back into your digital campaigns to grow your businesses.
Prizes for the winners of Home Based Businesses
1st Prize A$300.00
2nd Prize A$200.00
3rd Prize A$100.00
Additional - 2 additional prizes of A$75 each

Prizes for Winners of Shop / Office Based Businesses
1st Prize A$400.00
2nd Prize A$300.00
3rd Prize $200.00
Additional - 2 additional prizes of A$100 each

In the current environment we are keeping these awards as contactless as can be. We would love to see you put the prize money back into your digital campaigns to grow your businesses.

Prizes are based on score weightage per below criteria:
Public Voting 75%; Judges Round 25%