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Entries Deadline

07-Jun-2024 10:59 PM (GMT +8:00)

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About Us

The 2024 AAPME Award seeks to highlight the works of landscape architects committed to designing sensitively and demonstrating responsible practices. It aims to showcase efforts to address complex issues and challenges in our world today and tomorrow. This award is open to all IFLA regions and practitioners around the world for projects within the Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East regions. *All entries completed with the Official Registration Form and Project must be submitted via IFLA AAPME Awards 2024 on this platform (Judgify).

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Awards Categories

There will be two awards categories, namely:

BUILT Category

Culture & Traditions

Projects in this category emphasis the protection and strengthening of culture and traditions as part of resilience-building in the social fabric and character of place.

Economic Viability

There is a fine line between community displacement and economic development for an area. What would be some of the good projects out there that could strike a fine balance between these two aspects? Projects should illustrate with convincing studies and figures before and after the implementation.

Flood and Water Management

Any projects related to flood and water and how the challenges are addressed in different contexts.

Food Security and Production Systems

Any projects related to food production, agricultural challenges, and food security. Food source does not necessarily need to be restricted to land; marine or fresh-water systems are also included.

Heat Islands and Fire Resistance

Any projects related to responses to the risk of heat and fire as a result of global warming. Project scope can be wide and varied addressing water scarcity, combating heat with shading and cooling strategies, building vegetation systems resilient to its effects, possible micro climate engineering to building resilience against forest fire and bush fires.

Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

Projects related to disaster recovery efforts and preparing for the next extreme event through resilience. Projects not covered under water and fire can come under this category. Projects should demonstrate collaboration between landscape architects, engineers and different professions in such efforts.

Energy and Carbon Reduction

Projects associated and focuses on renewable energy, efficient power generation, and transmission, emphasizing sensitive siting and economic use of energy. They aim to reduce energy usage and carbon footprint, showcasing innovative and collaborative approaches for climate change mitigation through interdisciplinary efforts.

Social and Community Health

Projects that highlights the significance of landscape design and strategies in promoting social cohesion and wellbeing.

Wildlife, biodiversity, habitat enhancement or creation

Building resilience for nature and environment is one of a landscape architects' core missions. Projects should highlight the importance of the significant roles that wildlife, forest and biodiversity play in our urban ecology.


This category includes response analysis and strategic planning leading to a master plan for an operational environment. As master plans tend to be of a larger scale, more diverse, comprehensive and holistic, this category can fall into any one of the above categories, or several combined. Disaster risk management, conflict-sensitive programming and climate change adaptation through design are some of the key strategies to build resilience.